Sunday, December 13, 2009

Chocolate Vodka

Stephanie and I went to the restaurant PS7 in Chinatown a couple of weeks ago and I was very interested in one of their dessert drinks they had. It was chocolate infused scotch served with toasted marshmallows. I really want to make this, but don't really want to drop that much money on a bottle of scotch these days. After doing some research online, I found a much cheaper dessert spirit that I could make - Chocolate Vodka. Here's how the process works:

  1. Buy a bottle of vodka with a screw on cap- either 750mL, or 1L. You can buy some really cheap vodka, it really doesn't matter. I paid $6 for a 750mL bottle.
  2. Buy some chocolate and caramel. I bought 4 rolls of Rolos, but you could also get mars bars. Just make sure it doesn't have wafer or peanuts in it (no Twix!).
  3. Drain about 1/4 of the liquid from your bottle. If you got the super cheap stuff, you don't need to feel bad about this.
  4. Cut the chocolate into little pieces and stuff it in the bottle.
  5. Screw the top on tight.
  6. Next time you run the dishwasher, put the bottle in with your dishes. Make sure it's upright. The heat from the dishwasher will melt the chocolate. DO NOT open the bottle while it's still hot.
  7. After it comes out of the dishwasher, shake the bottle a bunch. You might want to run super hot water over the outside of the bottle while you're shaking it to help some of the extra chocolate and caramel melt. Not all of the chocolate and caramel will melt, but this is okay.
  8. Let the bottle cool on the counter or in the fridge until it's ready to go into the freezer.
  9. Leave it in the freezer until it gets good and cold (at least 6 hours).
  10. The Vodka is ready to drink! I recommend mixing it with Bailey's and cream - makes a lovely dessert cocktail.

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